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Lowering Car Insurance Premiums

Here are a few tips that will help you reduce the car insurance premiums:

1. It is cheaper to get car insurance on the net. The companies who offer car insurance on the net are cheaper because the automated process costs them less to process your papers. Online car insurance companies usually offer discounts of 5%-10%.

2. Don't be satisfied with the first insurance company you see that seems to have reasonable price already. Shop around. Each insurance company has got a different way of calculating the interest rate they give you after asking questions.

3. When the insurance company offers you added insurance products do try to purchase them. I.e. the buildings and contents insurance of the car. They will give discounts when you purchase their added products.

4. Pay the insurance full. If you can pay the car insurance on full amount in one go, you can avoid paying the costly APR rates. Some companies charge a 15% rate when you pay on installments. The companies may even give a discount if you paid in full. If you are really not capable of paying the full amount, check out the company that offers the smallest APR rate.

5. "Excess" in car insurances is the amount you pay in case you have made a claim. When you increase your claim voluntary the car insurance company will reduce the premium.

6. Having a lower annual mileage will make the car insurance company lower the premium. The usual quotation of companies is for 12,000 miles a year. Try to figure out if you have less mileage than that in year. If you do, you may get a lower premium. They will check your old MOT's and service history to verify what you say.

By following these tips you should be able to lower the premium on your car insurance.

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About The Author

John Mussi is the founder of Direct Online Loans who help homeowners find the best available loans via the website.

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